Crunchy Gang

A little bit of sweetness, a whole lot of snackible crunch! This powerpacked bunch stimulates happiness hormones that makes you feel full of energy, strength and positivity!


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What's Inside?

Cherry Tomatoes

Round, Citrusy and Succulent. Firm, Crunchy and Bursting with Flavour! Our Red Cherry Tomatoes are ideal for snacking, salads, sauces and  are versatile for any culinary use.

Ingredient Benefit

Rich in Vitamin C, Antioxidants, Potassium, Vitamin E, Essential Minerals and are Anti Carcinogenic.


Butterheads are sweet, tender, buttery & delicious. They are highly prized by gourmet chefs because of their succulent flavour.

Ingredient Benefit

High In Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Calcium, and Iron. Note: Lettuce has been used in Unani for centuries for treating many ailments.
Delicious & Fresh
No Pesticides. No GMO
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