Our Story

Our Story
During her study in Architecture, Farah pursued her thesis on vertical farming and that interest turned into fruition during the lockdown with the inception of Seedle Farms. Her personal weight loss journey led her to realise that the food we eat influences the quality of lives we lead and that drove her to developing a viable solution for fresh, hygienically grown, nutritious greens in the city. Seedle Farms believe that nature’s bounty should be brought to each person’s home in its finest form and ensures this through advanced scientific methods of farming.
“When people say they don’t like salads, I think it’s probably because they haven’t tried the freshness, supple crunch and palpable flavours of hydroponic greens. Powered by science, innovation and learning is an everyday process at our farm and we are committed to bring to you the best quality of life you could live, through the food you eat!,” says Farah Daruwalla.

"Seedle Farms is our promise to bring to you only the very best of these leafy wonders and the journey has only just begun. "
- Farah Daruwalla. Tweet